姓名 敖志敏 性别 antaicheng
电话 020-39322298 职称 教授










2003-2008年 吉林大学,材料科学与工程学院、汽车材料教育部重点实验室, 材料学专业,硕博连读(导师:蒋青教授)

1999-2003年 吉林大学,材料科学与工程学院,高分子材料与工程专业,学士学位(学习成绩突出,保送攻读硕士学位)




2016年-今 广东工业大学,环境科学与工程学院,特聘教授

2016年-今 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(The University of Technology, Sydney),客座教授

2013-2016年 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(The University of Technology, Sydney),Chancellor研究员

2010-2013年 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales),Vice-Chancellor博士后研究员

2009.03-2010.05 比利时安特卫普大学(University of Antwep),FWO博士后研究员(比利时国家科学研究基金FWO资助)

2008.02-2008.11 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales),访问学者





J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater., AngewandteChemie,Appl. Cataly. B:,Sci. Rep., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Carbon, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, J. Mater. Chem. C, J. Phys. Chem. C, Appl. Phys. Lett., Chemosphere,APL Materials, J. Chem. Phys., ChemPhysChem, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., RSC Advance, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Renewable Energy, J. Appl. Phys., Computation, Materials, AIP Advances, Chem. Phys. Lett., Solid State Communications, Molecular Simulation, Solid State Electrons, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Thin Solid Films, Physica Status Solidi (b), Computational Materials Science, Computation, J. Nanomaterials, Physica Status Solidi B,Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Solid State Science, book “Graphene Chemistry: Theoretical Perspectives” by Wiley Press, Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modelling, Theory and Applications, Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, Nanomaterials


International Journal of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (IJAMSE), Advances in Materials Science and Engineering: An International Journal (MSEJ), Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal (MEIJ)


比利时国家研究基金“Pegasus-Short Marie Curie Fellowship of the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO), 澳大利亚国家研究基金项目ARC Discovery





2016年 第12批国家“青年千人”获得者

2016:年 广东工业大学“百人计划”特聘教授

2014年 NCMAS Early Career Researcher award, Australia;

2013年 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学Chancellor研究员基金获得者

2013年 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Goldstar奖

2011年 吉林大学优秀博士论文

2011年 吉林省科技进步一等奖

2010年 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Vice-Chancellor研究员基金获得者

2009年 获比利时国家科学研究基金“FondsvoorWetenschappelijkOnderzoek–Vlaanderen”(FWO) or Research Foundation-Flanders Postdoctoral Fellowship”支持




1. Zhemi Xu, ZhiminAo, Dewei Chu, Sean Li, UV irradiation induced reversible band gap behaviours of graphene, J. Mater. Chem. C.DOI:10.1039/C6TC03466G. (IF=5.066)

2.Yufei Zhao, Jingqiang Zhang, Kefei Li, ZhiminAo, Chengyin Wang, Hao Liu, Kening Sun, Guoxiu Wang, Electrospun cobalt embedded porous nitrogen doped carbon nanofibers as an efficient catalyst for water splitting, J. Mater. Chem. A. 4 (2016) 12818-12824. (IF=8.262)

3.Shuangqiang Chen,†ZhiminAo,†(†Equal contribution) Bing Sun, XiuqiangXie, Guoxiu Wang, Porous carbon nanocages encapsulated with tin nanoparticles for high performance sodium-ion batteries, Energy Storage Mater. 5 (2016) 180-190

4. C. H. Yang,* P. Wu, Q. F. Li, Z.M. Ao,* Coulomb screening effects on the optoelectronic far-infrared properties of spatially separated few-layer graphene, Physica E, 84 (2016) 324-329. (*Corresponding author,IF= 1.904)

5.C. H. Yang, G. Z. Shen, Z.M. Ao, Y. W. Xu, The dependence of the tunnelling characteristic on the electronic energy bands and the carrie's states in graphene superlattice structures, Materials Research Express. (Accepted, IF=0.968)

6.Q. G. Jiang, W. C. Wu, J. F. Zhang,* Z.M. Ao,* Y. P. Wu, H. J. Huang, Defections induced hydrogenation of silicene: a density functional theory calculation study, RSC Advances. 6 (2016) 69861. (*Corresponding author,IF= 3.289)

7.M. X. Xiao*, H. Y. Song, Z.M. Ao*, T. H. Xu, L. L. Wang, Electric field modulated half-metallicity of semichlorinatedGaNnanosheets, Solid State Commun. DOI: 10.1016/ j.ssc.2016.07.006. (*Corresponding author,IF= 1.458)

8.XiaoguangDuang, Hongqi Sun,* ZhiminAo,*Li Zhou, Guoxiu Wang, Shaobin Wang,* Unveilingtheactivesitesofgraphene-catalyzedperoxymonosulfateactivation, Carbon 107 (2016) 371-378. (*Corresponding author, IF=6.196)

9. Yuxian Wang, ZhiminAo, Hongqi Sun, XiaoguangDuan, Shaobin Wang, ActivationofPeroxymonosulfatebyCarbonaceousOxygenGroups:ExperimentalandDensityFunctionalTheoryCalculations, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 198 (2016) 295-302. (IF=7.435)

10.Lin Liu, HongyingLv, Chengyin Wang,* ZhiminAo*, Guoxiu Wang, Fabrication of the protonated graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets as enhanced electrochemical sensing platforms for hydrogen peroxide and paracetamol detection, ElectrochimicaActa206 (2016) 259-269. (*Corresponding author,IF= 4.504)

11.Meixia Xiao, ZhiminAo, Tianhan Xu, Cheng He, Haiyang Song, Lei Wang, Strain modulating half-metallicity of semifluorinatedGaNnanosheets, Chem. Phys. Lett. 653 (2016) 42-46. (IF=1.897)

12.XiaoguangDuang,†ZhiminAo,†(†Equal contribution) Degang Li, Hongqi Sun, Li Zhou, Alexandra Suvorova, Martin Saunders, Guoxiu Wang, Shaobin Wang, Surface-Tailored Nanodiamonds as Excellent Metal-Free Catalysts for Organic Oxidation, Carbon103 (2016) 404-411. (IF=6.196)

13.XiaoguangDuang, ZhiminAo, Li Zhou, Hongqi Sun, Guoxiu Wang, Shaobin Wang, Occurrence of radical and nonradical pathways from carbocatalysts for aqueous and nonaqueous catalytic oxidation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 188 (2016) 98-105. (IF=7.435)

14.Cuihong Yang,* Yun-yun Chen, J.J Jiang, and ZhiminAo,* The optical conductivity in double and three layer Graphene systems, Solid State Communications227 (2016) 23-27 (*Corresponding author,IF=1.897)

15.ZhiminAo,* Quanguo Jiang, Shuang Li, Hao Liu, F. M. Peeters, Sean Li, Guoxiu Wang,* Enhancement of Stability of Fluorine Atom on Defective Graphene and at Graphene/ fluorographene Interface, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 7 (2015) 19659-19665. (*Corresponding author,IF=6.723)

16.XiaoguangDuan, ZhiminAo, Hongqi Sun, Li Zhou, Guoxiu Wang, Shaobin Wang, Insights into N-doping in single-walled carbon nanotubes for enhanced activation of superoxides: a mechanistic study, Chem. Comm.51 (2015)15249-15252 (IF=6.834)

17. Yiren Wang, JingyuanPiao, Guozhong Xing, Yunhao Lu, ZhiminAo, Nina Bao, Jun Ding, Sean Li, Jiabao Yi, Zn vacancy induced ferromagnetism in K doped ZnO, J. Mater. Chem. C. 3 (2015) 11953-11958. (IF= 5.066)

18.Quanguo Jiang, Jianfeng Zhang,* ZhiminAo,* Yuping Wu, First Principles Study on the Electronic Structure and Interface Stability of HydridSilicene/Fluorosilicene Nanoribbons, Scientific Rep. 5 (2015) 15734. (*Corresponding author,IF=5.578)

19.Q. G. Jiang, J. F. Zhang,* Z.M. Ao,* Y. P. Wu, Density functional theory study on the electronic properties and stability of the silicene/silicane nanoribbons, J. Mater. Chem. C, 3 (2015) 3954.(*Corresponding author, IF= 4.696)

20.Junying Zhang, Wenqiang Dang, ZhiminAo, Scott K. Cushing, Nianqiang Wu, Band gap narrowing by density-functional theory calculations, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 8994-9000. (IF=4.493)

21.Meixia Xiao, Tingzhen Yao, ZhiminAo, Peng Wei, Danghui Wang, Haiyang Song, Tuning electronic and magnetic properties of GaNnanosheets by surface modifications and the nanosheet thickness, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17 (2015) 8692.(IF=4.493)

22.XiaoguangDuan, ZhiminAo, Hongqi Sun, Stacey Indrawirawan, Yuxian Wang, Jian Kang, Fengli Liang, Z. H. Zhu, Shaobin Wang, Nitrogen-Doped Graphene for Excellent Metal-Free Catalysis in Generation and Evolution of Reactive Radicals, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.7 (2015) 4169-4178. (IF=6.723)

23.Y. R. Wang, X. Luo, L. T. Tseng, Z.M. Ao, T. Li, G. Z. Xing, K. Suzuki, J. Ding, S. Li, J. B. Yi, Ferromagnetism and cross over of positive magnetoresistance to negative magnetoresistance in Na Doped ZnO, Chem. Mater.27 (2015) 1285-1291.(IF = 8.354)

24.Weichang Wu, ZhiminAo,* Cuihong Yang, Shuang Li, Guoxiu Wang, Changming Li, Sean Li, Hydrogenation of silicene with tensile strains, J. Mater. Chem. C, 3 (2015) 2593-2602. (*Corresponding author, IF=4.696)

25.Shuangqiang Chen, Yufei Zhao, Bing Sun, ZhiminAo, Xiaodan Huang, Jinqiang Zhang, XiuqiangXie, Guoxiu Wang, Microwave-assisted synthesis of Co3O4 with porous structure applied in lithium ion battery and oxygen evolution reaction, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 7 (2015) 3306-3313(IF=6.723)

26.XiuqiangXie,†ZhiminAo,† (†Equal contribution) Dawei Su, Guoxiu Wang, MoS2/Graphene Composite Anodes with Enhanced Performance for Sodium Ion Batteries: the Role of the Two-dimensional Heterointerface, Adv. Functional Mater.25 (2015) 1393-1403. (IF=11.805, ESI top 1% Highly cited)

27.Shansheng Yu,*Weitao Zheng, ZhiminAo,* Sean Li,Confinement of massless Dirac Fermions in the graphene matrix induced by the B/N heteroatoms, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17 (2015) 5586-5593. (*Corresponding author, IF=4.493, selected asBack cover)

28.Ying Xu, ZhiminAo, Ding Wang Yuan, Strain effects on the electronic structure of ZnSnP2 via modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential, Phys. Lett. A 379 (2015) 427-430. (IF=1.683)

29.C. H. Yang,* Z.M. Ao,* X. F. Wei, J. J. Jiang, The longitudinal optical conductivity in bilayer graphene and other two-dimensional systems, Physica B 457 (2015) 92-95 (*Corresponding author, IF=1.319)

30.C. H. Yang,* Z.M. Ao,* Q. F. Li, J. J. Jiang, The anisotropic energy spectrum dependence of the optical conductivity in bilayer graphene,Optics Commun. 338 (2015) 145-148 (*Corresponding author, IF=1.449)

31.Zhemi Xu, ZhiminAo,* Dewei Chu, Adnan Younis, Chang Ming Li, Sean Li, Reversible Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic Transition in Graphene via Water Splitting Induced by UV Irradiation, Scientific Reports, 4 (2014) 6450. (Nature publishing group, *Corresponding author, IF=5.578, highlighted by Phys.org: http://phys.org/news/2014-10-uv-irradiation-reversibly-graphene-hydrophobic.html)

32.Xiaodan Huang, Yufei Zhao, ZhiminAo, Guoxiu Wang, Micelle-template synthesis of nitrogen-doped mesoporous graphene as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen production, Scientific Reports, 4 (2014) 7557 (IF=5.578)

33.ZhiminAo,* Shixue Dou, Zhemi Xu, Quangguo Jiang, Guoxiu Wang*, Hydrogen storage in porous graphene with Al decoration,Inter. J. Hydrogen Energy39 (2014) 16244-16251. (*Corresponding author, IF=3.313, 12 citations)

34.Weichang Wu, ZhiminAo,* Tao Wang, Chang Ming Li, Sean Li, Electric field induced by hydrogenation of silicene, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16 (2014)16588-16594. (*Corresponding author, IF=4.493, 11 citations)

35.Junying Zhang, Wenqiang Dang, Xingchen Yan, Min Li, Hong Guo, ZhiminAo, Doping Indium in b-Bi2O3 to Tune the Electronic Structure and Improve the Photocatalytic Activities: First-principles Calculations and Experimental Investigation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 (2014) 23476-23482. (IF=4.493)

36.Q.G. Jiang, Z.M. Ao,* S. Li and Z. Wen,* Density functional theory calculations on the CO catalytic oxidation on Al-embedded graphene, RSC Advances 4 (2014) 20290-20296. (*Corresponding author, IF=3.84, 11 citation)

37.Zhemi Xu, Adnan Younis, Dewei Chu, ZhiminAo and Sean Li, Electrodeposition of Meso-porous Co3O4Nanosheets on Carbon Foam for High Performance Supercapacitors, J Nanomater.2014 (2014) 902730. (IF=1.644)

38.S. Yu, X. Zhang, L. Qiao, Z.M. Ao, Q. Geng, S. Li and W. T. Zheng, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Nanoribbons with Grain Boundary, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 1503. (IF=3.84, 1 citation)

39.Z.M. Ao,*S. Li, Electric field manipulated reversible hydrogen storage in graphene studied by DFT calculations, Physica Status Solidi A, 211 (2014) 351-356. (*Corresponding author, IF=1.616, 2 citation)

40.H.L. Liu, Y. Liu, T. Wang, Z.M. Ao, AA bilayer graphene on Si-terminated SiO2 under electric field, Chinese Phys. B, 23 (2014) 026802. (IF=1.603)

41.Q.G. Jiang, Z.M. Ao,* W.T. Zheng, S. Li, Q. Jiang,* Enhanced hydrogen sensing properties of graphene by introducing mono-atom-vacancy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 (2013) 21016-22. (*Corresponding author,IF=4.493, 6 citations)

42.Q.G. Jiang, Z.M. Ao, Q. Jiang, First principles study onthe hydrophilic and conductive graphene doped with Al atom, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15 (2013) 10859-65. (IF=4.493, 7 citations)

43.Q.G. Jiang, Z.M. Ao*, D.W. Chu, Q. Jiang,* Reversible transition of graphene from hydrophobic to hydrophilic in the presence of an electric field, J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (2012) 19321-19326. (*Corresponding author,IF=4.772, 8 citation)

44.Y. Xu, Z.M. Ao, D.W. Yuan, First-principles study of nitrogen doped CuAlO2, Phys. Lett. A 376 (2012) 2613-2616. (IF=1.683, 2 citations)

45..Z.M. Ao,* M. Jiang, Z. Wen, S. Li, Density functional theory calculations on graphene/α-SiO2(0001) interface,Nanoscale Res. Lett. 7 (2012) 158. (*Corresponding author,IF=2.779, 10 citations)

46.Z.M. Ao,* A.D. Hernández-Nieves, F. M. Peeters, S. Li, The electric field as a novel switch for uptake/release of hydrogen storage in nitrogen doped graphene, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14 (2012) 1463-1467. (*Corresponding author,IF=4.493, 31 citations)

47.T. Wang, Q. Guo, Z.M. Ao,* Y. Liu, W.B. Wang, K. Sheng, B. Yu, The tunable bandgap of AB-stacked bilayer graphene on SiO2 with H2O molecule adsorption, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 (2011) 117302. (*Corresponding author, IF=0.947, 1 citation)

48.Y. Liu, Z.M. Ao,* T. Wang, W.B. Wang, B. Yu, Transformation from AA to AB-stacked bilayer graphene on a-SiO2 under electric field, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 (2011) 087303. (*Corresponding author, IF=0.947, 3 citations)

49.Z.M. Ao,* S. Li, Temperature and Thickness Dependent Elastic Modulus of Polymer Thin Films,Nanoscale Res. Lett. 6 (2011) 243. (*Corresponding author,IF=2.779, 7 citations)

50.Z.M. Ao,* A.D. Hernandez-Nieves, F.M. Peeters, S. Li, Enhanced Stability of Hydrogen Atoms at the Graphene/Graphane Interface of Nanoribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 (2010) 233109. Also selected for the December13, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &Technology. (*Corresponding author,IF=3.302, 33 citations)

51.Z.M. Ao,* F.M. Peeters, Electric Field Activated Hydrogen Dissociative Adsorption to Nitrogen-doped Graphene, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 14503. (*Corresponding author,IF=4.772, 51 citations)

52.Z.M. Ao,* F.M. Peeters, Electric field: A catalyst for hydrogenation of graphene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 (2010) 253106. Also selected for the July2, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &Technology. (*Corresponding author,IF=3.302, 55 citations)

53.Z.M. Ao, F.M. Peeters,High-capacity hydrogen storage in Al-adsorbedgraphene, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 205406. Also selected for the May 17, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &Technology. (IF=3.736, 86 citations)

54.Z.M. Ao, S. Li, Q. Jiang,Correlation of the applied electrical field and CO adsorption/desorption behaviors in Al doped graphene, Solid State Commun.150 (2010) 680. (IF=1.897, 21 citations)

55.Z.M. Ao, S. Li, Q. Jiang, Thermal stability of interaction between the CO molecules and the Al doped graphene, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.11 (2009) 1683. (IF=4.493, 22 citations)

56.Z.M. Ao, Q. Jiang, R.Q. Zhang, T.T. Tan, S. Li, Aldoped graphene: A promisingmaterialfor hydrogen storage at room temperature, J. Appl. Phys.105 (2009) 074307. Also selected for the April 20, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &Technology. (IF=2.183, 88 citations)

57.Z.M. Ao, T.T. Tan, S. Li, Q. Jiang, Molecular hydrogen storage in Al-doped bulk graphite with wider layer distances, Solid State Commun.149 (2009) 1363. (3 citation, IF=1.897)

58.Z.M. Ao, T. Liu, Q. Jiang, S. Li, Growth mode of graphene layers deposited on SiO2 substrate, Inter. J. Mode. Phys. B 23 (2009) 3643. (IF=0.937)

59.Z.M. Ao, Q. Jiang, Density functional theory calculations of the interface structures and adsorption properties of graphene: A review, The Open Nanoscience Journal 3 (2009) 34. (Invited, 5 citations)

60. Z.M. Ao, S. Li, Q. Jiang, The determination of Young¢s modulus in noble metal nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (2008) 081905. Also selected for the September 8, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &Technology. (IF=3.302, 18 citations)

61.Z.M. Ao,W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, Effects of electronic field on atomic structure of graphene/α-SiO2 interface, Nanotechnology19 (2008) 275710. (IF=3.821, 19 citations)

62.Z.M. Ao,W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, Lindemann-like size-independent glass- transition criterion for polymers,Polymer 49 (2008) 3578. (IF=3.562, 3 citations)

63.Z.M. Ao, J. Yang, S. Li, Q. Jiang, Enhancement of CO detection in Al doped graphene, Chem. Phys. Lett. 461 (2008) 276.(IF=1.897, 170 citations)

64. Z.M. Ao,W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, Size effects on Kauzmann temperature and related thermodynamic parameters of Ag nanoparticles, Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 255706. (IF=3.821, 11 citations)

65.Q. Jiang, Z.M. Ao, W.T. Zheng, Size and temperature effects on the amplitude of atomic vibration of Co nanocrystals embedded in Ag matrix, Chem. Phys. Lett. 439 (2007) 102. (IF=1.897, 10 citations)

66.Z.M. Ao,Q. Jiang, Sizeeffects on miscibility and glass transition temperature of PS/TMPC blend films: a simulation and thermodynamic approach, Key Eng. Mater. 334-335 (2007) 105

67.Z.M. Ao, Q. Jiang, Size effects on miscibility and glass transition temperature of binary polymer blend films, Langmuir22 (2006) 1241. (IF=4.457, 25 citations)

68.C.H.Fei, L.L. Zhang, L.S. Yao, F.Z. Lue, Z.M. Ao, Z.H. Peng, L. Xuan, Alignment behavior of liquid crystals on the crosslinked film of monomers with fluorinated groups,Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 22 (2006) 1056. (IF=0.852, 1 citation)



  1. Z.M. Ao,*Q. Jiang, S. Li,S. Dou, G. Wang, Chapter 16: Effect of external electric field on the multifunctional applications of graphene, in the book "Graphene Science Handbook. Vol. 6–Applications and Industrization", edited by Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Nasar Ali, William I. Milne, Cengiz S. Ozkan, Stanislaw Mitura, and Juana L. Gervasoni, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, USA, 2016, pages 235-254. (*Corresponding author)

  2. Z.M. Ao,Q. Jiang, S. Li,Chapter 10: Al-doped graphene for ultra-sensitive gas detections, in the book "Chemical Sensors: Simulation and Modelling. Vol. 2: Conductometric-type sensors", edited by Dr. GhenadiiKorotcenkov, Momentum Press, New York, USA, 2012, Pages 379-417. (Invited)

  3. Z.M. Ao,*S. Li, Chapter 4: Hydrogenation of graphene and hydrogen diffusion behavior on graphene/graphane interface, in the book "Graphene Simulation", edited by: Dr. Jian Ru Gong, ISBN 978-953-307-556-3 published by INTECH Press, 2011, Pages 53-74. (Invited, *Corresponding author)

  4. Z.M. Ao,*J. Yang, S. Li, Chapter 7: Applications of Al modified graphene on gas sensors and hydrogen storage, in the book "Physics and Applications of Graphene-Theory", edited by: Dr. Sergey Mikhailov, ISBN 978-953-307-996- 7 published by INTECH Press, 2011, Pages 133-174. (Invited, *Corresponding author)




1.2017.01-2019.12: 理论化学计算研究g-C3N4量子点/石墨烯复合体系:原位VOCs探测及其可见光催化降解,国家自然科学基金青年项目(20万),主持;

2. 2016:第12批国家"青年千人"研究经费(300万),主持;

3.2016: 敖志敏,广东工业大学"百人计划"(400万),主持;

4. 2015: ZhiminAo, UTS-Shanghai University Visiting Fellowship (CNY16,000), 主持;

5. 2015: ZhiminAo, Faculty of Science, UTS conference travel grant ($1,500), 主持;

6. 2015.01-12: NCMAS grant, Australia (438,000SU computing time on NCI Raijin),主持;

7.2013.06-2016.06: ZhiminAo, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Chancellor's Research Fellowship, Australia资助金额折合人民币258万,主持;

8. 2013年1月-12月,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Goldstar奖,金额折合人民币约26万,主持

9. 2012年1月-12月,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学项目:"Synthesis, characterization and applications of three-dimensional graphene materials for high capacity hydrogen storage",资助金额折合人民币7万,主持

10. 2011年1月-12月,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学项目:"Development of graphene-based materials for hydrogen storage application",资助金额折合人民币3.2万,主持

11. 2010年5月-2013年5月,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学项目:Development of Graphene-Based Materials for Hydrogen Storage Applications,资助金额折合人民币230万,主持

12. 2009年04月-2010年05月,比利时国家科学研究基金"FondsvoorWetenschappelijkOnderzoek–Vlaanderen" (FWO) or Research Foundation –Flanders Postdoctoral Fellowship"博士后基金支持,资助金额折合人民币23万,主持




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